Build a solid foundation for your business through Retail
Pro_t. As an Epic Marketing Partner, you have
the ability to earn income when you buy the Epic products at
wholesale cost and sell them at retail prices,
earning you a Retail Profit. You may also have web customers
who will want to make a purchase through
your Epic website. Web customers making a one-time order
through a Marketing Partner’s website will
receive a 10% discount on their order. The Epic Marketing
Partner will earn the difference between
wholesale and retail, minus the 10% discount that the web
customer received on their order.
Epic is truly committed to our Marketing Partners. We know
that you have friends and family who will
want to bene_t from using Epic products. In addition to web
and retail sales, you can utilize the Preferred
Customer Program. A Preferred Customer is someone who has set
up a standing monthly order in our
Auto-Order Program. These Preferred Customers will receive
wholesale pricing on their monthly
Auto-Orders. As an Epic Marketing Partner, you will receive the
Personal Epic Volume (PEV) volume from Preferred Customers, and you could also
earn free products.
The Enroll 3 & Yours Is Free incentive is available to
Preferred Customers and Marketing Partners as a
way to quickly grow your Preferred Customer base. To qualify,
you must maintain a minimum of 3
Preferred Customers on Auto-Order and have a personal active
Auto-Order in place. Every time you
enroll another Preferred Customer, you will receive credit
redeemable toward your next month’s
Auto-Order. To determine your monthly product credit, Epic
will simply calculate the average of your 3
highest Auto-Order customers. This amount will be applied
toward your next month’s Auto-Order. You
can earn a free order of up to $300. Shipping and handling,
tax, and other fees are not included.
As you share the Epic story and invite those around you to
enjoy the Epic experience, the First Order
Bonus gives you another way to be rewarded for your hard work.
By building your business
and personally-enrolling new Marketing Partners, you can
participate in the First Order Bonus. This
bonus is paid weekly to the enroller of the new Marketing
The First Order Leadership Bonus is paid out to the upline
leaders of the Enroller of the new Marketing
Partner. The First Order Leadership Bonus is paid out through
7 levels of upline leadership, based on
the percentages shown below for each ranked leader. If there
is not a ranked leader at any given rank,
the bonus will roll up to the next ranked leader, in order,
until the bonus is paid out. If there are 2 leaders
at the same rank, the second upline leader at that same rank
will receive the Tier 2 Bonus.
Your Team Cycle Commission begins when you achieve the rank of
Connector, accumulate 100 Personal
Epic Volume (PEV) points during the current 28-day (4-week)
period, and personally-enroll 2 Marketing
Partners – one on the right, and one on the left. They, in
turn, must also accumulate 100 PEV in that
28-day (4-week) period. Team volume is created as Epic
products are purchased or sold by those in your
team. When 300 Epic Volume (EV) points have been accumulated
on one side of your Binary (either the
right side or the left side) and 600 EV points on the opposite
side, you will earn a Team Cycle Commission
of $25 to $40 per cycle based on promotional packs and/or rank
achieved. Besides purchasing the
respective packages below, you can get paid $30 per cycle by
achieving the rank of Champion, $35 per
cycle by achieving Mentor, $40 per cycle by achieving
Ambassador. This element of the Epic Pro_t Plan
allows you to earn up to 750 cycles per week and gives you the
possibility of a
maximum of $30,000 in
weekly income!
Beginning at the rank of Mentor, you can earn Epic Matching Bonus
on the Team Cycle Commissions earned by your Personally-Enrolled Team, up to
six generations in depth (see graph to the right). Each Marketing Partner you personally-enroll
creates a new line of sponsorship that you can earn Epic Matching Bonuses on.
Each qualifying Ambassador in your Personal-Enrollment Group begins a
new Epic Matching Bonus generation. Meaning, the system looks
through your Personal-Enrollment Group, and when it identi_es a quali_ed Ambassador,
it starts a new generation. The higher rank you achieve, the more generations
you get paid in the Epic Matching Bonus. To be eligible to participate in this
bonus, you must be paid at the rank of Mentor or higher and also generate a
personal minimum of 100 PEV points each 28-day (4-week) period
To qualify for the Legend Bonus Pool, you must achieve the
rank of Legend or Humanitarian. After
doing so, you can qualify for the Legend Bonus Pool and earn
shares in Epic’s total global volume. Epic