You made the resolution to sleep better but you still feel a lack of sleep? Here are few tips to sleep better and keep your resolutions!
1) Don’t drink to much caffeine. It has been proved, a cup of coffee six hours before sleeping cuts your sleep by one hour. Try to limit your consumption to the morning, and eventually after lunch but not in the afternoon.
2) Don’t do exciting activities before you go to bed. Playing video games, watching TV or surfing the Internet keep your brain awake and that’s not what you need before going to bed. Favorise calming activities such as reading.
3) Schedule your sleep. You think that you don’t sleep enough? Whatever the excuse is, try to schedule 8 hours a night, and within a week you will feel the difference. Your sleep duration depends of your needs but you actually need at least 7 hours per night to give your brain and body enough rest.
4) Keep your bedroom in the dark. Even a digital alarm clock which produce a really low light can disturb your sleep. If you can’t cover all the light sources, go to bed with a sleeping mask.
5) Don’t eat heavy food in the evening. You are not supposed to digest while you sleep, that’s why a big meal before going to bed can keep you awake at night. For example, proteins are really hard to digest; When you eat before going to bed, eat something light.
6) Keep the same sleep schedule during the weekend. It sounds like torture but changing your sleep habits during the weekend has the same effect as jet lag while traveling. Staying awake late in the night or waking late in the morning can modify your internal sleeping clock and you will have difficulties sleeping on Sunday night and you will be tired on Monday… that is definitely not what you need !
7) Breathe deeply. Simple breath exercises can help you to relax before going to bed. Deep breathing will make your body think that you are already relaxed, and after a few deep breaths you will already feel more calm and that’s exactly what you need before sleeping.
8) Fight snoring… At least 30% of the population snores. It doesn’t only disturb your sleeping partner, but also affects the quality of your sleep and brings drowsiness during the day. Try not to sleep on your back, as it seems to be the worst position for people who snore. Try sleeping on your side.
9) Analyze your sleep. With an activity and sleep tracker such as iHealth Edge, have a look to your different stages of sleep. Get the facts on the number of hours spent sleeping and wake up gently thanks to its vibrating alarm.
You now know how you can fight your sleep troubles… Try these nine tips at home and tell us if you sleep better.
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