Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wi-Fi: A Silent Killer That Kills Us Slowly

Wi-Fi, the miracle of the modern time, is local area wireless computer networking technology that allows connection of many devices without using any cables. This is most suitable for the mobile phones. Even though the companies that made huge profits by producing them claim that provide the customers with specific instructions and protection of the harmful rays, still we don’t share the same opinion.
A router is a device that enables wireless devices like tablets, phones and laptops to connect online. This device emits WLAN signals which can be harmful to your health. A survey conducted by the British Health Agency showed that routers and the signals can affect badly the growth of people and plants.
Wi-Fi: A Silent Killer that kills us slowly

Here are some of the consequences that are result of the Wi-Fi exposure:

– Lack of concentration
– Frequent strong headaches
– Pain in the ears
– Chronic fatigue
– Sleep issues
We cannot ignore the fact that we are 21st of the century where technology is widely spread throughout the world and we all use in our everyday life. We can’t avoid the rays, but still we can find a way to protect ourselves from them.

Here are some tips how to protect children from electromagnetic waves

  • Turn off Wi-Fi when you don’t use it
  • Instead of wireless use cable phones in your home
  • Always disconnect the Wi-Fi programs before you go to bed
  • Avoid using routers in kitchen and bedroom
I sincerely hope that this article helped you to understand what kind of potential damage this WI-Fi- silent killer can cause and how to protect yourself from it.

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